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Category: Acumen News

#WooliesChicken vs #FoodParcels – the Great Divide

Date: 02.17.2025

Written By

Tonya Khoury

When I think back, this week feels like a lifetime, can you believe we had two Presidential addresses in one week, it feels like the time between the two was so long?  Are you sure they were both this week?  I’ve had a rough sleeping pattern of late, like the rest of the nation, so the days are all blurring into one.

I have to begin with what is honestly the most absurd story since #Jogging & #WalkingDogs …. #WooliesChicken, how is this even a damn thing? There are many who justified the #WooliesChicken story by talking about #PiesForEssentialServices, are you kidding guys? It took Minister Patel to tell us all to take a shot of perspective.   How on earth did this even trend?  Here’s the answer to the strange questions posed? NO the answer is NO, obviously the answer is NO, cooking hot food will encourage a myriad of compromised people to take to the streets and start cooking, I promise you the #EssentialWorkers aren’t going to buy a pie or even dream of a #WooliesChicken right now they are concerned with food that can feed their families, pies? Seriously? You guys just wanted the #WooliesChicken right?  Then don’t hide behind people who are risking their lives for you.  IF people have food, they will cook it, I promise you that, but they will do so at home.

Another thing is the #AlcoholBan, the #DA would like to drink wine please, the rest of us would like to live without  violence, domestic abuse or being subject to irresponsible behaviour that could exasperate the virus.  I still maintain that alcohol is probably one of the worst drugs mankind has ever seen and we have huge alcohol issues SA.  There is a major concern, and rightly so, for those among us that have succumbed to this drug. Coming off alcohol as an addict could kill you!  I pray those that need it are getting treatment but those of you who want a glass of wine with your #WooliesChicken, again the answer is NO. Oh and that #PineappleBeer – the yeast production line has been limited. #GrowYourOwn.

As we are on food, the #FoodParcel shenanigans we saw over the past week are just vile, R1200 of money spent on a lettuce and some beans was just too painful to watch.  I get this niggle of a feeling that some of y’all aint getting it?  The #PresidentsFirstAddress had me in tears, “Our country and the world we live in will never be the same again” those were his words and although it was followed by positive messaging about how we have an opportunity to start again, I lamented my old life, as did many, don’t steal guys, people will be hungry for a long time. Shame on you!

Another dose of perspective and irony hit our media headlines as the place that united us in 2010, FNB Stadium, becomes the place that will help those who are ill.  The huge positive spin off from #Covid19 is that in #SouthAfrica, we finally have a unifier and this time it’s not football, it’s far more drastic than that, but it’s working.

Two #PresidentialAddreses in one week!  The first announced a catapult of relief efforts for South Africa, R500Bn! That is a ridiculous number and it shows us very clearly that we have an extraordinary ability to pull together as a nation and fight the unfightable, that’s how we roll!  #RamaBillions made an impact on Twitter and there was a wave of questions regarding corruption and how on earth we managed to do this in three weeks?  Weren’t we broke?  Don’t tell #Eskom anything guys, nothing at all!.  #SixMonths started to trend after the speech, as we galloped to conclusions before the President balanced us yet again.  In his second address we were waiting for the #Extension announcement, but we got a #StagedLockdown breakdown and our first set of #lockdownInmates will be released on the 1st May (ah the sweet irony – #WorkersDay).

Last night we heard good news from #PresidentRamaphosa as we head for #Stage4 on the 1st May and we hope for some return to normality but at the same time, good news feel scary – are we ready SA? The #MatamelaMask incident had the nation in stitches.  Most of the country laughed but with love, how blessed are we to be led by this man?  Just to be clear, the use of the term #Stage4 is a good thing not like #Eskom’s #Stage4, that’s a bad thing. And there were only two words the President used that made my skin crawl, “invisible enemy”,  those are #Trumps words (the President had spoken to the #OrangePresident earlier), obviously that needed to be tweeted as the #TwitterPresident doesn’t have time for thank you emails, please take good care #MrPresident.

And then, (if you care) #Somizi blocked #OurCupcake #CyrilRamaphosa – talk about a career limiting move! Oh and #Dischem! Oi!  Stop excessive pricing on essential goods. #shameOnYou. A word on the #SolidarityFund and the #HCIHoldings (#ENCA fund) where can we get food guys, asking for 8800 friends  around me that were #hungryB4Lockdown? #Gambit died after 48 years in captivity, his #lockdown just ended, swim free dear friend! Ah before I go,  I can’t let this one slip @Ecsponent is under investigation by the #FCSA.  Hope the right people get arrested!

Meanwhile across the waters, the UK puts its first trial vaccine into place.  They will pay YOU to buy oil (tell me again how a #TradeWar works please?), oh and via via #Netanyahu won again.

It’s a long weekend take Monday off, unless you’re a #covidder. #Covidders as you were!


Woolies Chicken

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