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#RaymondZondo has had enough – why haven’t we?

Date: 02.17.2025

Written By

Nigel Evans

An Acumen Media Report

It was short but emotional week for me as I watched my superhero cry. #JudgeZondo was driven to tears at the #StateCaptureCommission. He heard, this week, that billions were plundered by the Human Settlements department housing project, at least 10bn was looted and not a single house was built. I think the last straw for the #chiefJustice was the testimony that 21m would have sufficed to rid a community of asbestos but the department (read Zwane & Ace) took that opportunity to turn the project into a 500 million a looting spree. No asbestos was removed. I don’t get it either #UncleRayRay, they could have at least given the 21 bar out of the 500 to do the project, we may even have clapped. It may have been this section of his day that choked up this legend or the fact that he had enough this week and set a non-negotiable date for Zuma to appear in court. I don’t blame you Sir, after almost 2 years of hearing what happened under Zuma’s watch I’d also be gatvol and want to speak to the manager, in fact Chief Justice, your patience is admirable but we can see that, even from you, the game cannot go on.

Karl Niehaus (without khakis this time) said that Zuma was singled out by #Zondo and the Zuma Foundation could not fathom why the same demand was not put on the likes of #Gordhan. The #ZumaFoundation called on #MogoengMogeng to put a stop to this “obsession” that Zondo has with Zuma. Listen up Karl and uBaba! We want to hear from the man who led this mess, not the man he fired and replaced with a weekend special. Like #RaymondZondo we are tired, frustrated and it is time to finish this. #WeAreKarens and we demand to speak to the manager.

While I too was crying for our beloved country, the news didn’t help, in fact it was unbearable to watch. The state of #EldoradoPark was exposed under the bail application of the accused in the murder of #NathanielJulies. There were many reasons to feel defeated, mostly because of a disabled child was murdered by the institutions meant to protect him, but there was more. The appalling quality of the legal teams makes you wonder if innocent people even stand a remote chance in our courts and if the guilty will ever see the orange overall. The story unravelled before our eyes. Scorpion (#AccusedNumber1), according to testimony, threatened #accusednumber2 and allegedly has made her admit to a crime she did not do and allegedly had #accusednumber3 tamper with the evidence while he was not even meant to be at work as he was on sick leave. Witnesses to the crime are pulling out at a rapid rate as death threats are handed out like we should be handing out jail time. #scorpion himself lied to the judge about the number of convictions he had. Yes, the head honcho at the police station is sporting not one, not two, but three criminal convictions that he received under his tenure at the police. Assault, GBH and malicious damage to property are all on the list, and not only did he not get any jail time, he is still the head of the police in Eldos. It is stories like this that make us furious and the chances are that if this man is given bail he will end up (at the very least) intimidating witnesses (some of which are the police themselves). Why hasn’t the country come to a standstill, why is #Clicks a bigger story than this? Where is your rage political parties?

Andile #BoboMbuthu, another child dumped in the river, for apparently stealing alcohol. Six men are accused of killing this child. They were denied bail but apparently one of them has a business to run so is walking around free as a bird. #OrangeFarm is on a child killing spree as another two bodies of our babies are found lying dead at the hand of some sicko. (Are you there #BhekiCele?) A man was arrested after a 14yr old girl’s body was found at a dumping site. These words, as harrowing as they are, are fitting. We regard our children as garbage.

#OnlyOneSA marched on the Nigerian Embassy demanding an end to #humantrafficking but had no evidence, #Nigeria responded and that was that. Another set of #Xenophobia to deal with as the children became the sub-narrative.

SAA needs funding, wait what? Didn’t a magician make the airline disappear and reappear with clean books? Why are we back to where we started? South Africa, are you tolerating this? That is the same R10bn that could build the houses in the Free State we spoke about. Can anyone who cares, please stand up?

There is some good news though, NY Court granted access to the #Guptas bank accounts in the US and #SARS sent them a bill for 105m. Maybe we can remove that asbestos now?

#HeritageDay has come and gone, as South Africans (who were able) set out for a long (but short) weekend. I am so glad for my little town, the revival of Sodwana is remarkable as not a single accommodation site is open and the tourist breath life back into our fragile community.

I suppose I must cheer you up, well there was #MyKreepyTeacher a spoof on #MyOctopusTeacher that was very clever and super cheeky. Exactly how I like it.

And here’s my funny story for the week, it’s based on a chop! You know the kind of guy I mean, a narcissist, the type of guy that thinks women should be Stepford wives. Ah #DonovanTooth you made me laugh so much this week. In case you missed it, this guy took to social media to have a rant about non-perfect women daring to show their bodies. Imagine if this guy actually got his wish, you cannot name a me a woman who hasn’t had issues with her body in her life that has taken her entire self-esteem to rectify or accept the skin she’s been given. The #FatShamer quickly got hammered by social media, at first, I thought it was a publicity stunt because it was so brazen, but it turns out he is just not very bright. His “employer” #PandaClothing came out with a statement distancing the brand from old Dono the dodo, but within seconds social media revealed that he is, in fact, the sole director in the range of clothing that, incidentally, only ranges to the size Medium. I laughed, how quickly you became an #ExtinctPanda, beauty doesn’t equal brains does it? I take it intelligence is not one of the traits you value hey Donovan? The world though, believes that idiots shouldn’t be on social media. So we put a stop to that – all shapes and sizes of us.

I found this week’s report more depressing than most weeks – I hope wherever you are this long weekend that you have moments of peace and generosity along your journey through our beautiful but damaged country.



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