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Bring back #JacobZuma?

Date: 02.17.2025

Written By

Tonya Khoury

An Acumen Media Report 7 days:

I never thought I would write this, but let’s be honest, was #JacobZuma so bad?  What happens when you replace Zuma with a man who can read the numbers?  This week is what happened.  Looting on an extraordinary level.  I’m gutted. More than gutted I feel like I fell in love and the guy was married all the time with a bunch of side chicks. What did you do cupcake? I’m jaded and like most of the nation I feel helpless.  South Africa, #YoureOnYourOwn

Enter #KhuselaDiko, the same woman who told us the President got it wrong on cigarettes, that was the first time I didn’t like her, and today she’s headline news.  Not just her though, a bunch of ANC cadres have been scoffing at the trough that is #CovidRelief.  How sick must you be?  Wasn’t that what the President said?  What kind of person loots during these times? Wasn’t that what you said Mr President?  I’ll tell you what kind of person – the answer Mr President is you.  You and your mates.  I never thought there would be a day when I thought Zuma wasn’t the worse president in our democratic SA.  Today is that day. You broke my heart cupcake and you made me reminisce about an abuser that I protested against.  Zuma stuck to Rands, this guy well he works in dollars, this is what happens when you elect a man who can actually read the numbers South Africa.  And I was part of that electorate. I voted for you #CyrilRamaphosa.

#KhuselaDiko paved the way to riches for her husband Amabhaca King Madzikane II Thandisizwe Diko, with a name like that does one even need the money? Apparently its even deeper than the R125bar that was nicked, when you steal that kind of money, apparently you are in line to be mayor or chairperson of the establishment.  You need to prove you are qualified first see? How do you do that?  Simple, you need to get some chommies.  A great chommie is the MEC #BandileMasuku’s wife Loyiso.  Then you start a #FirstWivesClub.  Or you could use the family card, #AndileRamaphosa is certainly coining it with the absolute farce that is the 5cm guide on Taxis.  I mean honestly I‘m not a doctor but the common flu will not be stopped by a 5cm gap, how on earth will it help the virus?  What a joke!

Enter the IMF funding, you see when you are dealing with uBaba he can’t negotiate on this level, but yoh my ex-Cupcake is a master.  He pulled it out the bag with the IMF. What is that song, “I need dollars dollars, dollars is what I need”, so smart right?  Our currency is useless but dollars, that’s a different story.

The corruption stories poured out like vomit from a stuffed pig, the blankets we had been waiting for in KZN – that R30bar is missing. #SihleZikalala called for “calm” as a chunk of his team was arrested for corruption, who must keep calm?  You?  We’re happy let alone calm.

The only voice of hope in South Africa today is #TitoMboweni, but let’s be fair, he knows exactly what’s going on and he hasn’t stopped it.  He hates it, but he’s complicit.  Please #ministerLuckyStar save us.   And the same goes for those strong voices that tweet their opposition #ThuliMadonsela, call #OUTA or another civil action group, mobilise South Africa we are begging you.  We are on our knees.  You are making us a nation of robbers and swindlers as the money dries up at home and a man dies in Lenasia from hunger.  In Lens?  It’s a Muslim community – starvation is the last thing he should have died from; Muslims are compelled to feed their neighbours.  What is happening to us?

The #HelenSuzmanFoundation, the #SAHRC and many others are on their way to court in a bid to save us and some set of smart asses opened a Facebook group to #Moveonemillion, to where?  It’s a group filled with racist ex-pats calling for a protest (a silent one), like that is going to do anything.  Are you kidding me, have we learnt nothing?  Use that 1 million people, take a ten rand from each and fix our schools.  That’s a movement I can get behind.

And then the biggest travesty this week #AndrewMlangeni’s funeral, as we buried the last of the men who broke apartheid, we learnt of the looting at state funerals.   What kind of people make money out of a stalwarts funeral? It makes me glad that #UncleKathy was not buried in a #StateFuneral.  #TataMlangeni would be devastated if he saw how we used his death as an opportunity to loot and arrest people for smoking.  I felt sick. #DeLille acted though, first prize for suspending someone, now can they go to jail?

I could remind you that this week the petrol price and Eskom tariffs are likely to go up, loadshedding is upping it’s game and we have a brand new airline, but not really. I could tell you that #FarmMurders are actually on the rise, that Cape Town is filled with protests, bullets and tear gas, that a three year old was killed in a gun attack, and that the CSA are racist, that there is no #LandReform unless you do it yourself but, like me, these are headlines you just scrolled past because to be fair these are not news. #ThisisNormal Not #NewNormal, just normal.

Whatever happened to the #Guptas by the way?  They seem to have left the #StateCapture narrative and replaced with #NathiNhleko as he faces off McBride.  At least it’s gripping viewing, note to new viewers, skip the first 45 min that’s when they relabel paperwork on our time.

Women’s month is upon us. Please be sure to post a #BlackandWhite photo, not sure why though, apart from being completely self-serving to your ego. Isn’t it a better idea to accompany your nomination and black and white pic by giving out your number to those sisters you profess to want to uplift?  Maybe you can help them when they are being hurt or perhaps you can start making inroads to a business venture, maybe you can just listen when they’re feeling blue.  Please don’t waste a viral opportunity with no more than ego.

Can someone cheer me up? I think I’m becoming a grumpy old woman 🙁

Diko and Masuku

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